Sunday, August 8, 2010

I believe in signs

Saturday morning I grabbed my Coke Zero, a granola bar and my purse and headed out the door. As I got to the door of my car, a small butterfly landed on my granola bar wrapper. Without thinking a second, I said "Good morning Brian." The butterfly then flew away. I shouted out, "Have a good day."

I take this as my sign that Brian was saying hello and checking in on me.

To back up a bit I have been hanging out with a guy that I met through a friend. We have a great time hanging out together. We moved a little fast at first, but Friday night we had an actual date. Dinner, a movie and no sleepover. And we still had a fabulous time. Maybe Brian was giving me a sign that I'm doing ok. Or maybe he just wanted to see me smile. Either way, I liked it.


  1. I totally believe in signs. And, yeah, I think it's Brian checking to see how you're doing, making sure you still show off that fabulous smile, with All Your Teeth....not the fake one. :)

  2. Hi – I’m Andrea from the Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation ( We are interested in adding your blog to the blog roll on the resource page of our website. Please email me at to let me know the best way to contact you so we can discuss the possibility of adding your blog. Thank you so much!
